The Edwina Project

A Pioneer in Substance Abuse Treatment

Brockton, MA resident Edwina L. Martin was a long-time volunteer and activist for local alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs. She ran an information and referral center and provided personal assistance and advocacy for the sick and suffering. Her years of effort culminated in the establishment in 1982 of the women’s recovery house which bears her name - The Edwina Martin House. Catholic Charities of Boston operated the House before turning it over to the non-profit EMH Recovery, Inc. in 2004. Read more about the Edwina Martin House on their web site located here: Our goal with this project is simply to produce an album, sell as many physical and digital copies of that album as we possibly can and then hand over 100% of the proceeds to The Edwina Martin House. Hopefully, along the way we'll help raise awareness and help put an end to the stigma associated with addiction.